Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Boys Wanna Be Her

So I'm kind of straying from the formula on this one but found these products quite noteworthy. I'll start with the "handmade" ties from Cyberoptix TieLab on Etsy. I'm not quite sure how handmade they are but these silkscreened ties are beautiful and perfect for a hip spin on the traditional Father's Day gift. Most of the ties are $30.00 with a few as high as $50, so at least they're in the same price range as the Rush limbaugh Tie Collection at Gottschalks.

And now for those of you on the opposite side of the gender spectrum wanting something a little different, here's The Original Girl Tye. Girl Tye makes narrow ties specifically for women in a wide array of colors and small patterns. These ties range from about $12-$18 making them extremely affordable.

1 comment:

toybreaker said...

Hey there - thanks so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it. As I do indeed make them all in my studio by my lonesome self, I can attest the are most definitely handmade. Again, many thanks.